Signs of Decline in Crystal Meth Use

Signs of decline in crystal meth use
Filed under: methamphetamine signs

The task force has also organized education sessions for parents and youth about the dangers of meth and a workshop for police, paramedics, firefighters and social agency workers aimed at helping them to spot signs of meth use and production. …


Students not strangers to dangers of meth
Filed under: methamphetamine signs

By JANICE BARNIAK OAKLAND CITY – Wood Memorial High School students were trained by police Wednesday to recognize signs of meth manufacturing, part of the school's reaction to discovery of remnants of a meth lab on campus Dec. 21. …


Community Report Card: more meth labs found
Filed under: methamphetamine signs

The meth statistics were new this year to The Coordinating Council of Calhoun County's Community Report Card, which tracks the community's vital signs in health, education, income and other statistics. The 2011-12 report showed gains in some areas, …


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