Should Tax Dollars Go to Detox / Substance Abuse Counseling?

Question by patrickctrombly: Should Tax Dollars Go to Detox / Substance Abuse Counseling?
OK one, this problem is, other than crack-babies, SELF-INDUCED. If you’re going to have a welfare state – which I wouldn’t – but if you are going to have it, shouldn’t you focus on innocent victims? Detox dollars could otherwise be spent on breast cancer research.

Two, if they can afford drugs, they can afford detox!!! Why should we have to pay for it? I know – they stole the money for the drugs – – then they should be in PRISON for LARCENY!

Three, we spend tens of millions of dollars each year telling kids not to do drugs. They are exposed to anti-drug messages more often than they are exposed to geckos selling car insurance. When we also have public detox programs, that rewards people who ignore the warnings – sending a conflicting message to our youth. “Don’t do drugs……. or…. you’ll end up with government-subsidized housing….” Is that the message we should send our kids?

Four – they’re GOING TO DIE ANYWAY, why waste the money and prolong their agony?

Best answer:

Answer by truth seeker
No. I think Rush can afford it. He has enough money.

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