Should I Go to Rehab I Think Im Addicted to Inhalents?
Question by ♥lonely stoner♥: should i go to rehab i think im addicted to inhalents?
should i go or not i obviously have a problem with inhalents i mean everytime my mom gets canned whipped cream i huff the air from it as soon as i get a hold of it and i love love love air duster even though i almost dies from it but it didnt seem to stop me im just scared im gunna go die one of these days so should i go and how would i tell my mom ive gotten in to trouble with the law and my probabtion says i cant do drugs so admitting and asking about rehab could possible get me into more trouble than i need what should i do
Best answer:
Answer by Jiosh D
Will power thats all it is.
Is this a really serious problem??
Or can you fix it by just keeping away from them??
If not yes then i would tell your mom and maybe even contact your doctor.
Answer by Tony
If you think that you are addicted then YOU ARE ADDICTED. Inhalants can destroy your lungs leading to COPD, lung cancer, lung infection and kill you too.
Don’t wait unless you have a dead wish!! Go seek help ASAP!!
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