Should I Do an Alcohol Intervention for My Sister?

Question by angela s: Should I do an alcohol intervention for my sister?
My sister has gotten herself addicted to alcohol. Lately, she has shown signs of regretting her actions. I do know that she doesn’t want to go inside alcohol rehab, she’ll feel totally “off” there. I don’t want to force her to do something that she doesn’t want, but I also don’t want her to just keep on drinking alcohol. What am I to do?

Best answer:

Answer by claire w
Definitely do the intervention. And if the doctor permits, she can go to outpatient treatments, That way, she doesn’t have to stay inside the treatment center. What’s important is for your sister to get her sober life back, and I think you both want that for her. So go ahead and do the intervention. It’ll be best for your sister, I think. Good luck!

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