Rewording Sentences, if You Could Just Do One That Would Be Great!?

Question by gmsgurl13: Rewording Sentences, If You Could Just Do One That Would Be Great!?
Here’s a list of to be verbs: are, is, was, were, be, being, been.
I’ve got some sentences, where I need to remove the to be verb. Can you help me figure out a way to reword the sentence without the to be verb? Any that you can help with will be much appreciated.

1.) There also is extensive waiting lists for addiction treatment in most states, and these persons is often dropped from the lists because they is difficult to contact

2.) The majority of people with serious mental illnesses who is homeless had prior contact with the mental health system, either as an inpatient or outpatient

3.) These experiences were not always positive. They may have been hospitalized involuntarily or given treatment services or medications that did not benefit them.

4.) These individuals are twice as likely as other homeless people to be arrested.

5.) They are often good candidates for diversion programs that enable them to go from jail to more appropriate treatment, support, and housing

6.) These individuals are needy, and many are not receiving benefits for which they may be eligible for.

7.)Providing treatment for severely mentally ill homeless people is difficult because they do not understand that they is ill and need care

8.)A large portion of homeless are former mental patients, release with no aftercare.

9.) The average age of the homeless is thirty-four

10.) While most people have only one picture of what homelessness is, there is no “one” type of homeless person

Best answer:

Answer by Chidori
I’ll try to do as many as I can
1. Extensive waiting lists for addiction treatment in the states drop difficult to contact people.
2. Homeless and people with prior contact that had mental illnesses served as either inpatients or outpatients.
3. Not all experiences resulted in positive ways. Those hospitalized involuntarily or given harmful treatments had negative results.
4. Their chances of getting arrested may increase to two times more than normal.
5. Programs that provide release from jail to getting treatment accept such candidates.
6. These needy individuals don’t receive benefits that they can get.
7. Severely mentally ill homeless people don’t know of their illnesses, and may refuse to get treatment, which will make the situation more difficult.
8. Former mental patients with no aftercare populate much of the homeless community.
9. An average homeless has thirty-four years of age.
10. We think of homeless people as the usual stereotypical homeless, but that does not apply to all homeless.
Sorry if some don’t make sense…

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