Residential Treatment Programs for at-Risk Youth

Residential Treatment Programs For At-Risk Youth

While it’s sad that many teenagers get themselves into trouble or into stressful and harmful situations, it is somewhat pleasing to know they can be helped. There are a number of possibilities where assistance can be obtained. As a parent of a troubled teen, you will be keen to get the right help and as soon as possible. There are several help options and here are three of the more popular and successful ones.

– Outpatient
– Inpatient
– Boarding school

As an outpatient, your teen gets help but continues living at home. This means they go to a hospital or clinic and receive therapy and counseling from medical professionals. It could be because of any number of problem areas such as eating disorders, depression, anxiety, lack of self-esteem, etc. This step, going to an outpatient clinic, is often the first step taken by a concerned parent. It often works. It’s also a way of determining just how serious or detailed the young person’s problem is. In a large community, there are several outpatient facilities so parents will have a choice and most likely not have far to travel. The cost is clearly lower than for residential care. Parents often start out sending their child to outpatient care. If it works, fine. If not, the teen can be placed in a residential treatment center.

An inpatient course of treatment involves the teenager residing as a patient in a facility where they receive treatment. The clinic is usually part of a university or hospital and while academic tuition is usually provided, the emphasis is on helping the resident overcome their problem be it drug addiction, an eating disorder or whatever. The cost will be higher than that paid by a teen visiting as an outpatient but if the teen’s problem is significant then an inpatient course may be the best option and possibly the only one.

Private boarding schools are often seen as an excellent option. This is because they have a strong program of relevant therapy and counseling but also maintain a solid academic program. In some ways, the residents are continuing their schooling in much smaller class sizes but also getting first class therapy for their particular problem. On top of that they are removed from their previously harmful environment and have the chance to mix socially with staff and fellow students to develop an overall better personality. Again costs are an important factor. The full board and 24/7 access to health professionals pushes up the cost. This can be covered by insurance or paid for by a plan often provided by the private boarding schools.

The beauty of most treatment centers is their openness and ability to explain their services. As a parent you can approach them in person, by phone or email and discover what they have to offer. You need to choose the best option and knowing the various centers are willing to assist you in making that choice is both a practical help and a real comfort.

Looking for a residential treatment facility for your troubled teen? No worries, you can find all the help you need at Residential Treatment Center.

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