Quit Smoking Without Swallowing

Currently there seems to an almost feverish pitch when it comes to discussing smoking and smoking cessation issues. Just take a look around the internet and you will find it everywhere, pages and pages, of this product to quit smoking, that solution to quit smoking, this remedy to quit smoking, that warning that you’re going to die if you don’t quit now.

When it comes to the actual facts about quitting smoking, know that the nicotine replacement industry earns approximately $750 million annually from the sales of nicotine replacement method products, while the tobacco industry continues to earn $300 billion annually from the sale of cigarettes. Couple that reality with the American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, and the U.K. Center for Clinical Excellence accepted statistic that 95% of smokers can’t quit smoking permanently beyond the first year and the truth of the situation becomes alarmingly clear. Up to now quitting smoking has been nothing more than a very dismal failing proposition even with all the quit smoking methods and programs that have been available up to now.

But take a look at the news programs lately and it’s all about what the politicians are doing about banning smoking everywhere and anywhere. And why not, smokers are easy to ban because all smokers know that in the end their habit is bad for them and they aren’t a cohesive political group that any politician ever has to worry about come election time. Who’s not going to vote for a politician that banned smoking in the park, town, beach, even the smokers will still vote for them in the end.

The sad part is that with a statistic that evidences that 95-96% of all smokers who try to quit smoking every year, without a real solution, most smokers will eventually find themselves at odds with a society that is not tolerant against a habit they can’t actually beat. While everyone is believing that the efforts of politicians are working and people are now able to quit under the pressure, the reality is they are simply sending smokers inside to smoke and away from the public view.

Thankfully, despite all of those very dismal statistics, finally a very real solution has been created by a company that stepped out of the box and developed a way to help all smokers actually quit smoking permanently. That should bring a great sigh of relief to every smoker who is ready to quit smoking permanently.

By marrying old world real help with 21st century popular consumer technology Habit Braker Enterprises has created a real solution, that is in fact realizing a 99% success rate overall, based on self reporting actual users of the system over the past year. Though incredible, a simple solution, developed originally from an actual smokers own frustrations on quitting, is realizing results of success that based on the American Cancer Society, American Lung Association and the U.K. Center for Clinical Excellence, has never actually been realized before using any other method.

The Habit Braker system works because it quickly and instantly can address the very real brain war that goes on between the brain and the quitting smoker’s own commitment to quit smoking. That brain war begins as soon as nicotine is reduced from the levels the brain is used to receiving and it doesn’t give up for an entire year at least and for some smokers, even longer. By using cell phones, iPODs, MP3 and CD players, and 14 different short but powerful messages designed for the quitting smoker, to deliver instantly and quickly, anywhere and everywhere, any time and every time, the help that is needed to beat every negative message sent to the quitting smoker that threatens their commitment, before that negative message has a chance to work on them and cause them to give up, the solution has been created for 99% of all smokers.

Without using chemicals, without using hypnotic suggestion or subliminal theories, just plain real messages that come from a real understanding of what the quitting smoker experiences when nicotine is reduced, that can be used as many times as necessary, and for as long as it takes, instantly and privately, anywhere and everywhere, Habit Braker Enterprises Inc finally brings the real solution to all smokers who want to quit smoking permanently.

The system of help worked so well that Habit Braker Enterprises created systems to help dieters and exercisers as requested by numerous consumers, and requests for other systems that deal with other habit issues continues to be received. The diet and exercise system has to date, realized a 100% success rate across the board. As a result, Habit Braker Enterprises Inc. intends to develop further systems in the near future for alcohol, gambling,spending, meth amphetamine and eventually any and all other habits that people find difficult to sustain healthy commitments to end.

A simple idea has resulted in a real solution for already hundreds of people in every state in the US, Canada, Australia and the U.K. and Habit Braker Enterprises is working night and day to bring this very real solution out to everyone who wants to improve their health and save their life by making healthy changes, so they can finally succeed. Who would’ve thought that solution to quit smoking wouldn’t even make you swallow!

Habit Braker Enterprises Inc. is a California corporation that develops and sells systems that help everyone stay committed to specific healthy commitments using short issue directed audio messages for use in cell phones, iPODs, MP3 or CD players for full and instant accessibility and portability. For over one year the Habit Braker systems have been helping improve the health and save the lives of hundreds of people from every state in the US, Canada, Australia and the U.K.. Their patent pending system has already been developed into systems to quit smoking, lose weight on any diet plan, and a system to stick to a regular exercise commitment for life. The system is US patent pending (11770472) and has achieved a success rate as reported by users of 99%-100% to date. Habit Braker Enterprises plans to develop more systems for all habits and addictions that can benefit from a system that provides 24 hours of round the clock, as needed, instant help to stay committed. When consumers can shut off unhealthy messages generated by habit driven brains, that threaten their healthy commitment, anytime and every time, as they happen and before those negative messages can work to destroy that healthy commitment, success is achieved over the short and long term, accounting for the success rate of the systems.

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