Quit Marijuana Addiction


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'Typical' heroin user in Connecticut is white, male, suburban; often unaware

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

“Crack cocaine in our bigger cities, heroin and marijuana are our drugs here in Connecticut,” he said. Cain and the task force have the Torrington issue on their radar. “I've been in … But while Torrington has seen a large number of deaths this year …
Read more on Torrington Register Citizen


Brain study gives credence to stereotype of the 'pothead'

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

The participants had not been using marijuana for a couple years, indicating that memory problems might persist even if the person quits smoking the drug, said Dr. Frances Levin, chairman of the American Psychiatric Association's Council on Addiction …
Read more on The Tennessean


Nigella Lawson and Charles Saatchi: the remarkably messed-up life of two

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

Around her in court swirled allegations of cocaine and marijuana use that allowed Charles — with a typical flash of ad man's ingenuity — to brand her “Higella”, piling on claims (from which he later backtracked) that she was not only “off her head on …
Read more on Telegraph.co.uk


'Typical' Connecticut heroin user white, male, suburban; often unaware of what

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

“Crack cocaine in our bigger cities, heroin and marijuana are our drugs here in Connecticut,” he said. Cain and the task force have the Torrington issue on their radar. “I've been in … But while Torrington has seen a large number of deaths this year …
Read more on Torrington Register Citizen


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