Q&A: Why Would a Girl Who Never Spoke to Me Before, Act So Weird With Me?

Question by aimhigh: Why would a girl who never spoke to me before, act so weird with me?
Hi all im 19 and there is this girl whose 15. I don’t know why but when I was saw her she didn’t seem to take initial interest in me. Shes just a family friend. When we were at my cousin’s dance recital for her marriage, the girl use to laugh at me when I made mistakes, she always tried to laugh at me but not at anyone else. Later I laughed at her when she messed up, and she pretended to ignore it. Then on facebook she broke the ice by saying “So you actually play this stupid game farmville??” She later also was like “JAY SEAN SUCKS. ” You know mesed up stuff like that. I never really spoke to her, but she just seemed rude around me. The next day after “talking” to me on fb, she hid from me and was ignoring me, she seemed to hate my guts. Ok, later she kept on saying stuff like “!@$ #!@#!@#” to me, i then asked her why she was like that . she basically said “GET A LIFE.” i later said “Fuck u! you have an ugly mark under your lip” And she blocked me off fb after that. Ok, before you say im an evil person for saying those things understand that she was bad to me, and snubbed me when i tried being nice, her brother also use to call me “dumb fuck.” and stuff like that. I later punched her bro in the face, but before i cursed at her. Then she told her brother that i said that to her, and he called me a “cocksucker” on facbeook. Ok i just liked that girl from the start, i liked her for a yr and i had the goal to make her think i was a nice person and a smart person. But i feel so hopeless now. Any advice? Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Bodoman Ddd
i think she likes you actually

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