Q&A: Why Do Some Weak Women Continue to Perpetuate the Myth of “Verbal Abuse”?
Question by The real casual poster: Why do some weak women continue to perpetuate the myth of “verbal abuse”?
While I agree that physical abuse or threats towards women by a man is wrong and cowardly, I still can’t understand the whole “verbal abuse” thing. I see women here who claim that are being “abused” because they lost an arguement with another adult? Not to mention the quacks like Dr. Phil and Dear Abby that claim anything that a man does can be considered “abuse” or “cheating”. They have this list of “signs of cheating or abuse” where they list basically anything as “abuse” – If your man doesn’t do enough chores, he may be an abuser….If your man buy you a nice gift, he is most likely cheating…..If you man wants sex from you, he could be an abuser, etc…..
What the funk is wrong with these people?
Yeah, yeah….I’m sure now I’ll be called an “abuser” too!
You lost me there sfg49. Hitting a woman is cowardly and is real abuse. I’m talking about the myth of “verbal abuse”.
Threats of physical violence would be abuse and against the law but a general threat of “I’m leave you if you don’t get it together” is not abuse!
As far as these other so called signs of “verbal abuse” – If someone is putting you down, JUST LEAVE but some one being a jerk is not “abuse” and calling it such is an insult to women who have really been abused!
Yo Jason, calling another adult fat, whore, etc… may be mean but it is NOT abuse. The person being made fun of is free to leave at any time and is not in danger.
No talking to a kid like that is different but one adult breaking down other is NOT “abuse”. Period!
Hey “Love Me, hate me”, under your way of thinking didn’t YOU just “verbally absue” me?
Thanks for proving my point nitwit!
Best answer:
Answer by itscoredawg
Yea a lot of it is BS, and some women definitely throw it out of proportion. But there can be “verbal abuse” if you sit there and call your spouse names all the time or embarrass her with things.
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