Q&A: Read and Say Your Thoughts?

Question by WEiRDO: Read and say your thoughts?
Okay why is everyone ragging on Jeff Hardy all the time for having a “drug and alcohol” problem, okay yeah he just got suspended and supposably entered a rehab facility, but you have to look at the big picture, hes obviously at a bad point in his life right now i mean on top of that his house burned down and he lost everything he owns as well as his dog and he is willing to get help obviously or else he wouldnt have entered Rehab. What gets me is that no one gets annoyed when other wrestlers use drugs or get suspended for it but when its Jeff it this whole big deal. No one ever talks about the 10 wrestlers who got suspended for Roids back in august, No one ever brings up Eddie Guerrero, RVD or Sabu. What about all the obvious steroid users who never ever get suspended(Batista,John Cena). Just think about what I said yeah jeff took painkillers without a prescription and he got suspended for it, thats his fault but its not fair that jeff gets all of this heat for it when 85% of the WWE
roster are on some kind of drug. and you have to remember there IS a major double standard backstage. Guys like HHH,HBK,Cena, Batista all only get a slap on the hand and thats it. Look at Randy Orton we ALL know he got suspended twice for steroids-C’mon you and I both know hes done steroids Many more times than that. Okay What do you think about this situation??

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Answer by Kalim

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