Q&A: I Am Currently Taking Adderall XR, Am I in Starvation Mode?

Question by monicacabeliero: I am currently taking Adderall XR, am I in starvation mode?
I am taking Adderall XR for my ADD and I’m 15 yrsold. I asked this question because one of the side effects for Adderall is decrease in appetite. I barley eat now. I also am overweight. (5’3 150 lbs) About over a month ago ago I lost a total of12 pounds dieting and excersising WITHOUT this medication. I ate only like 800 calories a day. (Fruits, fish, chicken, veggies) So I’m used to eating less and healthier than I used to.
I’ve been on AXR for 4 days now and lost 4 pounds? (now i’m 146 lbs). I’m guessing it’s just my water weight or something. But I don’t feel hungry on this medication and don’t have cravings for junk food anymore.
Read one of my other questions about starvation mode. Someone said, “Medications that supress appetite don’t trigger the response, because you are still eating enough calories to maintain normal function.” and “Adderall is a prescription amphetamine that stimulates the central nervous system that’s how it helps fat loss”


Best answer:

Answer by Momma Of Mia
I dont know but it seems like a good thing because you are losing weight. Ask your doctor if this should be going on.

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