Q&A: How Would You Act if You Were on These Drugs?

Question by ♥Ava Lani: How would you act if you were on these drugs?
What would a person think, feel, and act like if they were on these drugs?
(Not all at the same time. All done individually)

and if they have any “nick names” or street names:

1. Cocaine
2. Meth
3. PCP
4. Rohypnol
5. Oxycotin
6. Heroin
7. LCD
8. Shrooms
9. Ecstasy

* LSD haha sorry

Best answer:

Answer by jaymz
1. Cocaine: felt like doing stuff and hyper
2. Meth:nver tried it
3. PCP: never
4. Rohypnol: never
5. Oxycotin:felt relax and good
6. Heroin: felt relax but more intense
7. LCD: see cool colors and everything is moving
8. Shrooms: voice sound weird and people faces are funny to look at
9. Ecstasy: feel happy and loving

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