Q&A: Has Anyone Even Used the Wen Cleansing Conditioners Products?

Question by Aquaboogy: Has anyone even used the Wen cleansing conditioners products?
I am more or less interested in people with ethnic hair, but I am open to all suggestions.
I am trying to grow out my relaxer and I am having issues with my hair being dry and britle because of the process. I also have been learning about the negative effects “shampooing” can have on your hair because of the sulfates and there drying nature. I have been conditioning my hair primarily and just shampoo it like once a month ( because conditioner can leave a bulid up)

Best answer:

Answer by Dimage
I am caucasian and I have used Wen and liked it. I haven’t gotten around to getting anymore since I ran out and have noticed a difference. I have dry very thick wavy hair.. it did help some. Good luck with it if you decide to try it.

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