Q&A: Does Anybody Feel Mentally or Physically Crappy After HEAVY Use of Marijuana?
Question by Tim: does anybody feel mentally or physically crappy after HEAVY use of marijuana?
I’ve smoked on and off for the past 3 years. Every time I toke I go kinda on what you would call a smoking binge. I started out when I was 15, hanging out with the party crowd and using gateway drugs. My life generally speaking was pretty good around that time. I had a cute girlfriend that would do anything for me, a good variety of friends, I was confident, and had and still do have all the support in the world. I’ve also been in a boys home “rehab” for a year. That is the longest I’ve been clean at one time. My life has done nothing more than gone down hill since I started to use. I was clean recently for 4 months and just relapsed this month. I smoked a little over a half ounce completely to myself, and was blazed for about 15-20 days I must emphasize I was stoned the WHOLE time. I dont take couple day brakes inbetween smoking sessions, I just smoke,smoke, and smoke. I always seem to fall apart when I start smoking I try to smoke and stay on track with school and work but the more I smoke the more delusional everything becomes and i fall of into the deep end full of smoke. I have tryed to smoke once a week or once a month and Im unable to do this, once I hit that pipe its all over until I run out of money or grass. I just barely came down yesterday morning, and at this moment I feel like a totall wreck. everytime I come down I either do WHATEVER I need to do to get more bud or try to stay clean. Right now I feel very insecure, bad headache, my stomach feels horrible, I cant sleep, my thoughts are very hazey, I almost feel like Im in a different world because everythings so cloudy, I become very anti social. And ill i can think about is the ganja or how I’m ever going to make it in this life. Im confused and lost and miss everything I use to have. I would do anything to be who I was before I ever touch that fuckin shit. I would really would appreciate any advice or if you can relate to anything in the post! THANX 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by KMS
Marijuana can definitely mess with your mind. The THC in weed acts the same way that dopamine in the brain works. If you smoke a lot of weed, it is likely that the dopamine and norepinephrine receptors in the brain won’t work as well. You might want to slow down with the amount of weed you smoke… but there’s no need to quit.
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