Q&A: Can Someone Answer a Concern I Have About My Health?

by m.vp

Question by dukexcobbler: Can someone answer a concern I have about my health?
So since December, I have been having this feeling of being scared for my health all the time. I went to a doctor about the frequent headaches and some chest pain I was having, along with some lightheaded feelings. I was super worried that I had a brain tumor. We ran blood tests, urine tests, took an EKG, did a breathing exam, took a chest x-ray, and I even did a CT scan of my head to see if anything was wrong. The results all came back fine. This was a couple months ago. I am still freaked out about brain tumors and such, but people tell me that CT scans will tell if there is really something there. Is this so? Do I really have anything to worry about? I also went to a doctor for a second opinion….He was amazing and told me he thinks I need to think more positive, and said he wanted to help me to realize there isn’t anything wrong, he checked me up and down physically. So, I have had 2 doctors tell me I am fine, and I have had an eye doctor tell me there was no pressure or anything of that nature. I might add, I have also been having this strange feeling of not really being here. Like my life is all a dream or something. I do not enjoy the things I used to, I am normally a very very happy person. Ever since my brother’s fiancee passed away, I have had all these physical “symptoms” and worries about brain tumors, and feelings of not really being here. Strange thing is, I was never really associated with my bros fiancee at all. I don’t know anymore, what is wrong with me? Can someone relate? I feel all alone in this, save God…He and my fiancee are all that keep me together. Will I ever get better? Thank you in advance for your words. Much love. BTW I am a 22 year old male with no family history of any health problems….

Best answer:

Answer by slbcgirl
anxiety or panic disorder possibly a hyphcondria

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