Pseudoephedrine Bill Introduced in Senate

Pseudoephedrine bill introduced in Senate

Filed under: meth addiction symptoms

He also said Oregon still has a major meth addiction problem and has seen more meth-related deaths since the law took effect nearly six years ago. "We all agree that meth is a terrible thing," Minardi said. "We just disagree that a prescription is the …



Teen girls fell ill due to mystery disease that Chopra calls internet addiction

Filed under: meth addiction symptoms

By Dave Masko on 2012-01-18 The cause of why 12 teen girls from LeRoy Junior-Senior High School in upstate New York all exhibited symptoms of a recent “mysterious condition,” is being related to “mass hysteria,” or, as Deepak Chopra thinks, …



JR Carter: Drug culture is a symptom of our narcissistic age

Filed under: meth addiction symptoms

By 2011 that number jumped to nearly 130000, and the state has seen a significant increase in the number who have entered drug-addiction programs. Why this craving for marijuana? And how does this relate to our culture, as developed over the past 50 …



Internet addicts' brains like those of drug abusers, study claims

Filed under: meth addiction symptoms

Results of a new study suggest people who cannot control, cut back or stop their use of the Internet have abnormal white matter structure in the brain similar to what is seen in cocaine and crystal-meth addicts. According to the study's authors, …



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