Please Help: What Can I Do if My Neighbor Is Selling Drugs Out of Her Apartment?

Question by Just Me!: Please help: What can I do if my neighbor is selling drugs out of her apartment?
People knock on her door with the same knock. They enter then leave like 2 minutes later, and they say thank you! I have another neighbor, a young guy, who told my husband that the lady hangs out with the “tweakers” in this other apartment across the complex.

I don’t know what to do because I don’t want to put myself in danger. I live in a nice area too, so you’d never know in a million years what is going on! I am at home with my baby during the day and so I don’t want to cause any trouble or have a huge drug bust with guns blazing or potential bullets ricocheting (sp).

Honestly, I’m scared. I’m afraid that her customers may try to rob us or something. One day I saw this guy climbing out of a tree, he looked like he had rabies or something! But he was probably one of her customers.

By the way, this lady has a 13 year old daughter.

What would you do if you were me? Also, my husband has a second job and works at night. So, I’m here by myself alot.

Best answer:

Answer by illeg@lmonkey77
Just go to the cops, they can take an anonymous tip from you I’m sure.

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