Please Answer???? (No Negative Comments?)?

by reutC

Question by Mylungsfailed: Please answer???? (no negative comments?)?
Well I don’t know how to say this any other way.. But sometimes I’m scared I seem like a loser.

Well, I don’t seem to do well at school – at all anymore. I just lost the desire to learn anything taught in school, and I struggle a lot now and sometimes I’ll fall asleep for a full period. Lately, I’ve tried convincing my mother to let me switch to another school in which my good friends attend (I’ve been going to this school for about 12 years, by the way. Since pre-k) but she seems reluctant to do so because of the fact I don’t do well in school (I get bullied a lot too, people say I enjoy having sex with dogs). I used to be smart when I was really young ( like 8 or 9) but that’s when my life started getting worse… (I’m 16 now).

See I’ve been homeless twice, I don’t have a father and my mother is fucking paranoid (she’s an ex addict and my father is a heroin addict.). Also when I was the age of 6, I was diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome, I’ve been battling the past two years to try and convince my mother otherwise, but she’s so firmly set into having people pity her for my “disability” that she doesn’t see reason.

I just got out of a terrible relationship in which my girl constantly lied to me, used my feelings against me and treated me horribly (She also cheated on me TWICE). She controlled me to a point where I couldn’t even talk with girls that were friends. (Of course I did, I never EVER flirted with other girls, and it was only at school or sports.)

I’m not a very happy person any more, even now that it’s summer, I just don’t enjoy anything anymore. I just stay in bed, watch south park or comedy central, and listen to depressing music. And when I have to, I go and help teach fencing camps (I’m a national level fencer).

I feel although I wasn’t a good choice between both of my parents, realistically. And that it would just have been better if they had just continued doing Heroin together because they’d both be happy.

I smoke pot on occasion, I don’t do it frequently at all because of my mother disapproving. But I don’t use it to get away from life either, I just do it to unwind sometimes. I’ve never done anything else except alcohol (which I detest) and I huffed for about a month. (But I will never do anything harder then marijuana.)

I really don’t have any friends to confide in, and I was recently hospitalized for cutting myself really deep. I only have one friend I could talk to, but it’s summer and we haven’t seen each other in two months, I actually really like her too.

See, I can take care of my self, I’m strong enough. Sometimes I pray it’s just a phase, but depression has ripped my mind of agony for the past six years. I can’t feel a thing any more.

I’ve tried being honest with my mother after the whole cutting thing, and she said she’d get me “help”. It’s been 3 weeks and not a therapist has contacted me.

I’m so sad now. I want to prevail and use this to strengthen me, but I just can’t…

Listen here’s the question.

Am I a loser? And if not, why?

Also.. What advice can you say to help me?


Best answer:

Answer by Bugsy A
No one is a loser.

Not unless they give up.

Never give up.

Never stop fighting.

You can change. But you can only change yourself. And, you have to want to.

All the best.


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