Photos Illustrate Effects of WWII Internment Camps

Photos illustrate effects of WWII internment camps

Filed under: effects

It was not until 1970, when Paul Kitagaki Jr. was 16 years old, that he learned in a high school history class about the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. His own family was among them. Almost a decade later, …



Temperature rise and its effects

Filed under: effects

If temperatures have risen significantly in the past five years, causing the bleaching of corals, I shudder at the thought of the graver effects of climate change. For instance, in the news last week, 5000 birds and about 900 dolphins were found dead …



Pesticides have harmful effects on health

Filed under: effects

By Cynthia Brunt, Times Colonist May 13, 2012 Hudson, Que., celebrated 20 years of being pesticide-free in 2011, much longer than the 12 years that the writer stated. It was the first community in Canada to ban the use of pesticides and was taken to …



Kodak sells Cinesite, its British special effects business

Filed under: effects

Cinesite has done special effects work for such television series as Band of Brothers and Rome and such motion pictures as X-Men: First Class and the Harry Potter series. / SHAWN DOWD file photo 1995 Add British special effects company Cinesite Ltd. to …



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