Phen375 Verses Conspiracy
Phen375 verses conspiracy
Are you a conspiracy type or have you ever thought, is there a conspiracy by the government and food companies to keep you sick and fat? I mean think about it, it’s one of the largest industries in the world right! Honestly does not believe this to be the case. We do believe that the government has your best interest in mind. They spend billions to keep us safe from all sorts of threats bacterial and viral. The USA and European Union and really the rest of the world work on these issues all the time. Just take the H1N1 virus or swine flu they came up with a vaccine rather quickly, it’s being produced and distributed as quickly as possible.
Now are there any real legitimate, serious concerns about chemicals or toxins in or food? Yes absolutely there is! But if you follow a few simple recommendations you can drastically reduce these toxins in your body and principally in your liver, kidneys and fat tissue. If you will follow advice located at you can improve your health and if you are concerned about toxins in your food or body no I don’t think you’re just being paranoid.
Here is an expert from the web page of , Food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. We have bigger-breasted chickens, the perfect pork chop, herbicide-resistant soybean seeds, even tomatoes that won’t go bad, but we also have new strains of E. coli—the harmful bacteria that causes illness for an estimated 73,000 Americans annually. We are riddled with widespread obesity, particularly among children, and an epidemic level of diabetes among adults.
Ok I have been preaching this since the day I started work with you are what you eat. I also have been telling you to get off processed foods; anything that is instant or comes in a box or can has to be filled with preservatives. Now we also want you to limit your intake of red meats to a very small amount per month. You really don’t need it and it’s very high in toxins. Beef is force fed in feed lots; there they are forced to consume large quantity of hormones, a certain amount of excrement and antibiotics.
If it were not for the antibiotics dealing with the infections the cattle get from being force fed corn which is what makes that tasty marbling we all love. These animals would be dead, in nature this would not happen, why because the cow would die. This is happening to chickens, pigs ECT. Did you know it’s a common practice in pigs and chickens to grind up the dead and feed it back to the animals, its suppose to build up resistance to the disease. But the real truth is it’s all about making more with less. It’s the financial bottom line for companies who have share holders wanting maximum profits.
This is from my phen375 eat clean foods article,
You should choose natural foods if at all available (stop eating all that junk food) try eating none processed foods and products that don’t contain white sugar. Eat raw or lightly steamed vegetables to preserve the natural nutrition. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, eggs, fish, and chicken breast are clean eating staples which are good for you (avoid pork, and red meats and processed fats) .Healthy eating is a desirable, sensible, even noble goal to help keep . Your body will thank you for it. Keep your body healthy and clean. By eating healthy you are striving to achieve optimum health.
I wanted to remind you of where we are coming from here at phentemine375™ , now I don’t think there is a conspiracy to make us sick. Its honestly all about the money , don’t you all remember that famous line in the movie Jerry McGuire, where Tom Cruise said show me the money, or the other one Gordon Gekko is a fictional character from the 1987 film Wall Street by director Oliver Stone. … A parody of the character appears as “Gordon the Gecko. … This is based on the famous “Greed is good” quote .Now we know the real reason for our food, what is trying to do is get you the public to realize you cannot just blame someone else. It’s our choice what we buy, it’s our choice what we eat. If we want to really make changes then you have to make changes at the store or market where you purchase your food.
Chances are that you have been eating all this toxic foods for some time. Its true people are becoming more prone obesity. phentemine375™ is a good way to start
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