Panic Disorder

Panic Disorder This disorder is marked by the presence of repeated panic attacks: sudden feelings of terror that appear with physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, sweating, palpitations, shortness of breath as if suffocating, dizzy or light-headedness, numbness or tingling in the extremities, nausea, and visual distortions. During these attacks sufferers often fear they will have a heart attack, faint, lose control, go crazy, or even die. The attacks begin to subside within 10 minutes but anxiety usually persists longer. Some of the attacks appear “out of the blue” which leads to a generalized fear of more attacks, but some situations may reliably trigger the attacks. Over time, people often begin to avoid the situations where they have experienced previous attacks. This can develop into Agoraphobia, an avoidance of situations from which escape may be difficult. As this disorder grows it can become severely disabling often limiting people’s abilities to travel or even leave their homes. The good news is that panic disorder is highly treatable. With medications, cognitive behavioral therapy, or both, the sufferer is soon on the way to recovery. Remember you are never alone.
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