Overcome Addiction & Restore Self Esteem by Discovering Your Hidden Power
life force or energy. Your mouth should open slightly and your tongue should be gently up against the roof of your mouth approximately one half inch behind your teeth. Your eyes should be relaxed and open just ever so slightly. If this is somewhat distracting at first you may close them completely. Should you choose the full lotus, half lotus position or a seated position, you may place your hands palms up on your knees. Otherwise, all of the previously outlined steps apply.
3. Breathing
Breathing should be slow and controlled, involving the chest, diaphragm, and the abdominal area. As we age we tend to shorten the depth of our breath, only utilizing a small portion of our lung capacity. Therefore, the goal is to expand the use of your lung capacity in a slow relaxing process while avoiding labored and exaggerated breathing. Inhale through the nose drawing air into the abdomen, diaphragm, and then the chest. Exhale through the nostrils while lowering the abdomen, diaphragm, and finally the chest.
 One important point; you should only practice the deep breathing above for approximately 10 full breaths, then slow the breathing in an effort to reach âbreathless silence.â The breathing is meant to oxygenate the body, increase the flow of energy, and aid in relaxation. However, it will not assist you in reaching a higher state of consciousness because you must obtain breathless silence to do so!
How to Meditate
After you have positioned your body begin to focus on your breathing. Do not attempt to force your breathing, and above all try not to become frustrated if you lose your focus. Once you have taken 10 full breaths, slow the breathing down while working toward a state of breathless silence. Do not have any expectations about the outcome of this process. Expect nothing and just be! Above all, do not become frustrated if you fail to empty your mind. You can not expect to shut down the mind in a matter of minutes when it has been working for a lifetime. With practice and persistence the mind will quiet. When you begin to successfully accomplish quieting the mind, you will notice sensations of weightlessness and tingling in the body. You may even begin to see various colors of the Chakras (7 energy centers of the body) in the location of the 6th chakra (minds eye), which is located between the brows. This is a sign that you have peeled back the layers of ego and are beginning to reach your higher consciousness. When you can hold the color violet of the Crown Chakra in your minds eye, this is proof that you have indeed made contact with your inner self!!
Note: If you find it difficult to locate the minds eye try briefly staring at a lit candle for several moments prior to meditating. This will help you fixate the position of the minds eye when closing your physical eyes. However, do not try to force the appearance of the third eye; instead let the minds eye draw you to it!
Meditation Blocks
On occasion, some people experience difficulty connecting to their true self. When this occurs, more often than not, it is caused by an emotional block that prevents them from making the connection. What fears and insecurities are preventing you from discovering your true self? You truly do âhave nothing to fear but fear it self!â What you will find inside will be more wonderful than you can imagine, but to get there you must be willing to set your fear aside and take a leap of faith. If you are having trouble letting go of your fears and insecurities, try the following visualization technique in your meditation practice;
Imagine that you are standing on the bank of a crystal blue river with your back turned to the water. Know in your heart and your mind that you will be taken care of. Let go of your worries, all of your thoughts, all of your problems, surrender your will, and fall backwards onto the river. Trust the river to take you wherever it chooses to, and know that the outcome will be wonderful. Just float on the water and be!
Finally, to be successful at meditation you must refrain from having any expectations. The changes that will occur will be of a subtle nature, and they will certainly not eclipse being struck by lightning or parting the Red Sea! The paradox of the situation is that if you expect nothing you will reap the benefits by leaps and bounds. So just let go and be!
For a complete guide on how to overcome addiction subscribe to my free e-guide belowâ¦.
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As a life coach, Roppo has helped addicted clients learn the secrets to overcoming addiction, and he has established his unique five-step process as a potential benchmark for recovery. His success has overwhelmingly convinced him that the mainstream approach to addiction is fundamentally amiss because formal treatment programs attempt to defeat the symptoms rather than address the core issue.
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