Our View: Addicted to Hair Spray?

Our View: Addicted to hair spray?
Filed under: addictive addiction

And no one should discount the potentially addictive effects of inhaling all that hair spray the impeached former governor used on that finely coiffed noggin of his. Alas, there was no mention of any such handicap during either of his trials. …


Addiction Incorporated
Filed under: addictive addiction

In 1994, scientist Victor DeNoble became the first whistleblower to reveal the tobacco industry's efforts to manufacture "a maximally addictive" product. Director Charles Evans, Jr., tells his story in the documentary “Addiction Incorporated. …


Putting meth in the past
Filed under: addictive addiction

She explains her addiction became too expensive so she started selling meth. "Meth is very addictive. It will sneak up on you and you don't realize that you are addicted and you can't quit,” says Lorenz. She was in her 30's, much older than some of …


Friday Talkie: Meetups & Games That Take Over Lives

www.retrogamingcollector.com —————- A response to troubl8385’s question Are Youtube Meetups Going To Become A Big Thing? http I talk about Minecraft and ask “Is there a game that could or has taken over your life?” and ponder whether this kind of addictiveness in a game is a good thing, demonstrating how brilliant the game is, or if it is in fact dangerous.Check out my YouTube Retro Gaming Community Directory to find hundreds of other retro gaming channels at www.retrogamingcollector.com If you’re interested in seeing my non-gaming related videos, you may like to check out my other channel, BenwaysWorld www.youtube.com I am now on twitter twitter.com on facebook at www.facebook.com and on google+ at plus.google.com


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