Our Son Is Showing Signs of ADHD – What Do We Do Now?

Our Son is Showing Signs of ADHD – What Do We Do Now?

When my wife and I were first told that our son was showings sings of ADHD we both knew there was something wrong but had no idea what it really meant yet!

The doctor unloaded this information almost twenty years ago.

I know the first thing I thought was how in the world do they know since there is no blood work or anything else other than an opinion to confirm it.

They gave us a prescription of Ritalin and our journey began.

ADHD signs are very easy for me to pick up on now that I have over twenty years of parenting experience raising a child with ADHD, Bipolar, and Schizophrenia.

Keep in mind that the Bipolar and Schizophrenia didn’t show up until he was older.

Just a reminder for that not following this blog is that my two oldest boys are adopted. The one diagnosed with the above was born addicted to cocaine.

Back to the first signs of ADHD we saw in our son. First of all he was and still is extremely smart. He can figured things out very quickly with little to no effort.

In school he would take a test and ace it without doing any of the home work of studying at all. Of course the teachers were driven crazy with this and generally his grades suffered greatly as a result.

While he was in class he could not sit still. He kept telling us that he was bored. Teaching children with ADHD is different than your ordinary teaching techniques. It takes a special teacher and latter on he was able to hook up with several great ones. It was still very hard, but they helped a lot.

Getting him to perform simple tasks was like pulling teeth unless he received some type of immediate satisfaction. This was much different than our other children. Just a reminder we are the parents of four children, and believe me when I tell you we have seen it all.

Most kids can do something and understand that the reward or punishment for doing it or not doing it may happen latter.

As an example some of the signs of ADHD we saw first was certainly hyperactivity, but more than that we saw that he lived in the present most of the time. He was not someone that could plan.

What that means is that he couldn’t understand the idea of waiting. This is still the case to this day. If you promise something you better be able to deliver quickly. If he had homework that was due tomorrow then he didn’t think about it until tomorrow.

If your child is showing signs of ADHD in any of the ADHD signs I have described above don’t fret, there is plenty of help. In school make sure you ask about teachers that are experienced in teaching children with ADHD, if will make a world of difference. Don’t leave it to chance either that they do know. It is a special talent and requires a lot of patience.

Follow my daughter’s softball career on my blog where I discuss the ups and downs that are sometimes embarrassing. Go to Playing Softball.

You can visit my blog where I talk about being a parent and all the struggles we as parents go through. My wife and I have four children and have been married for over 25 years, so we have some experiences to share.

I also have a website where I talk about my Marine Corps Experiences, including Boot Camp.

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