On 'Punched Out': Looking at Brain Trauma and Other Risks of Violent Sports

On 'Punched Out': Looking at Brain Trauma and Other Risks of Violent Sports
Filed under: painkiller addiction

What role does painkiller addiction appear to have played in Boogaard's life? What questions does the article raise about how he continued to obtain painkillers and how his participation in a drug rehabilitation program was managed? …


Using Opium Painkillers to Treat Stomach Pain
Filed under: painkiller addiction

It is estimated that approximately 1 million people in the United States suffer from heroin addiction, and another 1.4 million abuse prescription painkillers such as vicodin, oxycontin, and fentanyl. Opiates, derived from morphine, have been used as …


Don't blame doctors for painkiller addiction
Filed under: painkiller addiction

It's very strange to me that someone would blame doctors for painkiller addiction, since I have been on the other side as a pain physician's assistant as well as a current pre-medical student. In the state of Illinois, there is a system in place for …


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