Norest POMPEY 2012 Police Driven to tears2.wmv


Norest POMPEY 2012 police driven to tears2.wmv


Colorado's 'pot shops' might do more to stop the Mexican cartels than any law

Filed under: marijuana meth

Such is the miracle of federalism. But if marijuana is now deemed OK in Colorado – and dispensaries will open soon in Washington as well, the other state that approved legal marijuana at the end of 2012 – what message does that send to Mexico and …
Read more on The Independent


Most Americans Now Believe Marijuana Is Less Dangerous Than Booze And

Filed under: marijuana meth

A week after Colorado implemented its legal sale of pot to anyone over the age of 21 (and sold $ 1 million of the stuff in its first day), CNN has conducted a poll to test Americans' evolving attitudes about marijuana. … (Just 3% think Meth should be …
Read more on Business Insider


Rupert Couple Set for Court after Meth Bust

Filed under: marijuana meth

Amy Summers, 31, of Oakley, and Alfredo “Freddy” Farias Villarreal, 39, of Rupert, were both charged on Oct. 15 by Minidoka County Sheriff's detectives with possession of methamphetamine and possession of marijuana after officers found traces of the …
Read more on Twin Falls Times-News


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