Nine Academy | Youth at Risk | Adoption Focused Mental Health


Nine Academy | Youth At Risk | Adoption Focused Mental Health – Young people affected by homelessness, addiction or abuse are not likely to ask for help. But early intervention with effective, integrated services is criti…


Cannabis News Roundup: September 27, 2013

Filed under: national council on alcoholism and drug abuse

Toke of the Town // The latest results from the annual “Monitoring the Future” survey show a drop in teen usage of alcohol, tobacco and hard drugs, but an increase in marijuana use, back to 1981 levels. The University of Michigan and the National …
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Tunisia's ruling party to step down

Filed under: national council on alcoholism and drug abuse

Spokesman Ibrahim Farinloye of the National Emergency Management Agency told The Associated Press the ferry was carrying traders to a weekly market at Malali village when the storm erupted Friday afternoon. He said ….. Lyall Grant said there were …


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