Nice “Alcohol Problems” Photos

A few nice alcohol problems images I found:

That Kid

Image by ImNotQuiteJack
Had a basket full of money, and was going around making some kind of transaction with people.

The beer that was left.

Image by BeautifulFreaks
we need friends who have an alcohol problem.


Image by Fergal OP
The aftermath of a cider party in Connemara!

Irish culture is still fraught with alcohol problems. Our enlightened public representatives banned headshops recently whilst the entire population turns a blind eye to the chaos of alchol in our society.

A doctor from an A&E told a story about some chap who went berserk after consuming some tablets from a head shop – the outcry was immense and our brave politicians banned the substances.

I wonder, if you interviewed any doctor, priest or policman, how many of us would tell you about the incredible damage that drinking causes? What substance lies at the root of almost all violent crime and domestic violence on this island?

Alcohol – there’s nobody brave enough to suggest banning that and closing all the pubs and off-licences is there. The person, or maybe persons, who consumed these 21 cans of cider was, I am sure, quite unpleasant company afterwards.

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