Natural Adhd – a Light at the End of the Tunnel
Natural Adhd – A Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Maybe the nation is waking up from a long drugged sleep ! Did you know that the FDA is now considering putting the black box warning on ADHD meds such as Ritalin, Concerta and Adderall?
Perhaps the 3 million or so Americans on these drugs might finally wake up to the fact that natural ADHD remedies will never have a black box warning on them.
Did you know that the black box warning is equivalent to a high alert ? Basically it is to warn patients of the risk of heart attacks and sudden deaths. After all, these are amphetamines – not exactly candy ! They may alleviate ADHD symptoms but cause other side effects such as depression. The poor ADHD child then has to be given anti-depressants. Natural ADHD is obviously much safer but has no financial and political clout.
Apart from using natural ADHD remedies or cures, there are a lot of ways in which parents and indeed schools can help children with ADHD to realize their full potential. Research now shows that ADHD children calm down and show less restlessness when they have been playing in a green environment. They are also able to stay focused and are less inattentive. That study also showed that old people live longer and college students do better when they live near a green area or even if they can only see trees from their rooms.
Many parents treat their children now with natural ADHD because they refuse to allow their children to become zombies. One great way to help them is to lessen their TV and electronic media exposure time. Researchers examined about 4,000 teenagers who were exposed to the media during their adolescence. When examined later on in adulthood, the men had a much greater chance of developing depression and there was a correlation between the amount of media exposure with the chances of becoming depressed. This only applied to the men/boys.
ADHD meds and psychostimulants are now under a lot of pressure because it is now clear that substance abuse problems are quite common in those people who were put on amphetamines as children to cure their ADHD. They did not cure their ADHD, they merely masked the symptoms and kept them quiet. They then inherited a drug habit in their later teen years and in adulthood.
Natural ADHD is not addictive and will not lead to any type of dependency. Thousands of parents are now realizing that there are alternative therapies available and they no longer accept the drugs industry\’s glib and shallow answers. They are now paying more attention to the FDA warnings and simply want natural ADHD remedies which will not compromise their children\’s health.
Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children’s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what ADHD Alternative Therapy is available.