NarCONon Scientology vs Australia Today Tonight’s

The Narconon® organization has been exposed to be a ® “Church” of Scientology front which is in no way connected with the real drug addiction treatment program called Narcotics Anonymous. The Scientology business does not inform people that its Narconon operation is Scientology because they’re aware of the likelyhood that no one would sign up for their dubious treatments were they aware of the fact that Narconon is a front group created by a notorious business cult with a long, well known criminal history, using unscientific, dangerous, and ineffective drug treatment proceedures concocted by a pulp science fiction writer. Anyone contemplating taking the Scientology organization’s unscientific and risky “Purification Rundown” proceedure, or participating in any of the cult’s other dangerous quack medicial proceedures needs to know the history of the Narconon front group, what courts have ruled about it, what newspapers have discovered and reported, and what the lack of scientific merits for the cult’s proceedures mean to individuals who are trying to quit their addictions. The goals of the Scientology cult would appear to be to use their fake front Narconon as a method of recruitment, preying upon people who are already known by the organization to have addictive personalities, and who are unaware of who actually runs Narconon. If you or a loved one needs help — real help — there are a number of rehabilitation programs you can contact. The real Narcotics Anonymous
Video Rating: 3 / 5

drug addiction treatment program santa barbara

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