My Marijuana Addiction?

Question by Dman R: My marijuana addiction?
Im 15 turnin 16 in november. Ive recreating with pot for about 7 months. I went through the withdrawal symptoms, from anxiety to depression. I’m getting great grades but i have such an urge to smoke.Im not gonna lie, i love weed, it makes everything so much fun and helps my ADD when i cant focus. But recently ever since Question#2 for MA stating the decrimilization of possession marijuana in legal doses ,ive reconsidered it. I know this law ,has a 30 day timespan to become put into play, so that means on Dec.4 ,it the bill will have passed. Now, im in a slump, fuck my friends its not a thing i do to look cool, its a feeling i desire, my life can be stressful at times with things i deal with in my household. My sister is 18 and is autistic,bipolar,manic depressive,mental retarded and has OCD. My best friend has always been against,i feel like i cant talk to him about it without it backfiring and he goes on a tyraid of how i have to just deal with it. Now my phycolgist, obviously is more reasonable because he is paid to hear me talk, but he was impressed at how far ive come, and said he wouldnt look down on me if i slipped and fell into trying marijuana again on my path of sobriety, Now my question is this, who’s side should i take?What should i do about my cravings?How can i explain to my friend what i am going through and how i feel this desire building up stronger everyday?
Thank you for you comments in advance

Best answer:

Answer by jocwonton
Weed is not physically addicting, only emotionally and habitually. The symptoms your experiencing are not because you quit smoking, look deeper then that for the causes of your depression. You should take your side, and possibly think about seeing a different therapist, a reliable one would not dangle a hook like that into someone who has decided not to use drugs, of any form, anymore. Think about your craving like this, the average craving, for food, drink, drugs, anything, is said to last for 7 minutes. At mot 10. So when you feel the urge read a book, go for a run, a drive, talk on the phone, anything to distract yourself. Lastly if I were you I would be totally honest with your friend. Having a person with challenging behaviors in your home can be impossible and you need support from everywhere. Make sure he knows you count on him to listen and offer advice or even just a shoulder. Good luck!

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