My 19th Bday and in Jail. HELP?

Kmaldona asked:

Friday was my 19th bday and i am a freshmen at purdue university. I have never been in trouble with the law before. Neways I got picked up on campus and blew a .25 (my friends said) and i spent 12 hours in jail. They said that the cops said I was getting a PI and a minor. Do i need to get a lawer to get the charges off my record and also my inmates were a hard cold drug dealers who wanted me to sell drugs (like meth, ice, crank, etc..) to purdue students, could I make a deal with the court to get them busted. Tehy gave me their numbers (i still have) and told me that if I am interested to call tehm and they will give me an ounce of ice to sell and then pay them back and make a profit. They were making it all themselfs. Is it possible I could make a deal with them? I need help. I am thinking about getting a lawer and asking him all these question but I am worried cus I am on scholorship and I lose it all if i get in trouble. Whats your advice. Thanks a lot

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