Meth Rehab: Latest Programs and Therapies of Drug Rehab Centers

Rehabilitation of drug dependents as well as all the other types of rehabs had gone a long way. Programs, therapies, medications and equipment have been modernized and well understood. These transformations can be credited to in-depth researches and studies of the human body and mind. In terms of drug dependency, further studies about society and how we associate ourselves and how we cope with the everyday demands of fitting in that society, also contributed to the better understanding of addiction.

From straight-jackets to immersing of oneself to a cold water to “drive-off” the “spirit” of addiction, there are now actually educated treatments being administered in rehab facilities. There are a lot of modern-age process of addiction treatment that incorporated nature and arts which have proven track record of success.

Equine Therapy – is actually one of the most widely used treatment therapies in the world. Animal assisted therapy has proven to be beneficial in so many aspects. According to experts, it lowers the blood pressure and heart rate. It reduces stress and other stress related sickness. It also lessens anxiety because it helps the patient feel relaxed and at ease.
Experiential Therapy is Experienced-emotion. This type of therapy involves sharing of experiences while doing an activity and most of the time it involves role playing; relieving the experience in question in order for the patient as well as the therapist to better understand the root cause of the problem.
Creative Arts and Music Therapy – promotes a wide range of mind exercise which helps the mind to relax and focus on more helpful and constructive things other than addiction. Studies show that music speaks to the inner core of the human body and mind. It communicates to the subconscious which helps the patient concentrate more on the process of recovery. Like in infants and unborn babies, classical music helps develop the thought process of a child. It is also said it helps increase the IQ and EQ of the baby. Creative arts on the other hand promote peaceful concentration while recovering at the same time. Conceptualizing and creating something that would result into something beautiful or useful boosts confidence and self-esteem.
Counselling and Group Therapy – has been practiced for a longest time already. It is actually what we naturally do when we have problems or are experiencing difficulties in life. We go to a friend or a loved one and pour out all our frustrations at work or in our families. Talking to somebody, especially to someone whom we know would listen and understand helps in relieving ourselves from huge burdens. It relieves us of our worries knowing that someone understands what we are going through. It is the very same reason that is used in Counselling and Group Therapies. Sometimes, voicing out our problems to a group of people who also went through the same difficulties is therapeutic because we know that we won’t be judged or criticized. Instead, we expect empathy, support and advice.

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The Scott Luxury Treatment Center in Hawaii, Los Angeles and Europe


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