Meth Avarenes Presentation in the College?

Question by milaia_ia: meth avarenes presentation in the college?
I was asked to invent design how to present meth and tobako use avareness for students.
Any design ideas?
I have testimonials of people who were doing meth, and smokers.
I am thinking putting them on the wall(they have to be in the college
for students to look and to read)
may be you can think of creative ideas, how to do it?

Best answer:

Answer by InfantFinite
You are certainly taking the correct steps thus far with your presentation. With drug awareness programs being implemented the vast majority of elementary schools, it can be a difficult task to reach students who have a general knowledge of health hazards associated with substance abuse. In addition to posting testimonials for students to read, try to include as many “before and after” pictures of methamphetamine users (if it is permissible by your school’s administration). The shock factor of the photographs will catch the eye of students, which in turn will draw attention to the testimonials you have compiled.

The manner in which you deliver the message is of the utmost importance. A college campus is a fast-paced environment which leaves students with very little free time. In this instance, the focus should be placed on a combination of short quotes and facts that will impact the reader. Often times a person will overlook important information when it appears to have too many statistics crammed into one paragraph.

At the collegiate level, it is safe to assume that readers know “drugs are bad/harmful to our bodies.” Using methamphetamine WILL destroy your life. The “party drug” will become an overwhelming addiction in the blink of an eye. Nothing will matter except getting high. Every dream and aspiration will fall to pieces. Tobacco is equally hazardous to ones health; perhaps worse because it is accepted (legal) by society. People have become desensitized to smoking cigarettes with repetitive commercials delivering the same message: “XX number of people die from cigarettes each year.” Consider shifting your presentation to include information on the families and friends of these individuals who die from smoking.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!




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