Mark (2 of 2) UW Oshkosh (WI) Dec 7, 2011 THC Tour
Mark (2 of 2) UW Oshkosh (WI) Dec 7, 2011 THC Tour — Mark from (2 of 2) UW Oshkosh (WI) Dec 7, 2011 THC Tour ### What: thc Tour (Talking Hemp, Cannabis and Drug Policy Reform) When: Wednesday Dec…
Pot of Gold: Or the Outlook for Marijuana Business
It's also unquestionable that other forms of pain relief are addictive and the side effects are onerous. A friend in a mid-west state without medical marijuana legislation is battling drug addiction from pain killers that nearly caused the loss of her …
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Pot-smoking students better at school than 'marginalized' tobacco-smoking peers
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health asked students in Grades 7, 9 and 11 about their tobacco and marijuana use, and their academic performance. The study found that marijuana-only users did better at school than their counterparts who smoked …
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Legendary performer Meynaa Hassaan bids farewell to music
As well as sharing good music, the main objective of the show is to transmit a message regarding heroin addiction – something the majority of Maldivians are directly or indirectly affected by. “I want to warn the people of Maldives against heroin and …
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