Marijuana and U.S. Drug Scheduling?

Marijuana is currently listed as a Schedule I Dangerous Drug. Drugs must meet all three of the following criteria in order to qualify for this scheduling:
(A) The drug or other substance has high potential for abuse.
(B) The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
(C) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.

Since the evidence, both scientific and anecdotal, overwhelmingly shows that marijauna, while not completely harmless, has a lower risk of abuse than does alcohol, caffeine, or nicotine; has many accepted medical uses; and has a lower level of toxicity than drugs many of us allow our children to ingest (caffeine), why won’t the government admit it is scheduled improperly?

Who stands to profit the most from keeping marijuana in its current status? Big medicine? Big tobacco? Big alcohol? Drug cartels?

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