Manner of Working of an Alcohol Rehab Program in Rhode Island

Manner Of Working Of An Alcohol Rehab Program In Rhode Island

Though a small state, it must not be thought that there are not adequate measures for the alcohol rehab program in Rhode Island. In fact, if you check it out, you will see that the program for alcohol rehab treatment in Rhode Island is just as elaborate as it is in the other states of the nation. Here we describe a general format in which the alcohol rehab program in Rhode Island is implemented. Note that every center will have differences of its own. What we see here is a general pattern of the treatment, though subtle differences will certainly abound from one center to another.

The first step of the rehabilitation program is the intervention. This becomes quite necessary in Rhode Island because of the high rate of denial that is found among the patients in the state. Alcoholics here will never want to accept that their situation is drastic and that they need treatment for their condition. They will feel that their alcoholism is still within “healthy” limits and any form of treatment for it will be beyond the question. It is very important to bring them out of this mentality before any treatment can be administered to them. This is done through the intervention.

During the intervention program, groups of people from among the family, friends and acquaintances who wish to bring the person to sobriety will collaborate and form an intervention group. They will be guided by a specialist known as an interventionist. The interventionist will help these people in forming their group so that people who will be really dedicated to the mission of helping the alcoholic overcome his or her denial are part of it. Once the group has been established, the specialist will guide the people on what they must do so as to effectively convince the patient. They will be trained by the intervention specialist to prepare motivating speeches and to deliver them so that they have the desired influence on the person in question.

This can take a long time. It will take several meetings of the intervention group with the patient in order to completely induce them to get into treatment. But once that is done, a suitable rehab center becomes essential. If the interventionist is affiliated to a rehab center, then making the choice becomes moot because the patient will be put in that center. If not, then a search will be needed. However, the interventionist will guide the intervening people on what kind of center will be suitable for the patient according to their addiction condition and will even help in the formalities related with the admission.

Once the patient is in the rehab center, a thorough analysis is conducted to check whether they will be suited to the treatment that is going to follow or not. If some physical or psychiatric complications are found in them, then some customized treatment options will be planned.

The next step of the alcohol rehab program in Rhode Island is to put the patient through detoxification. This is the process in which the person’s body is cleansed of the presence of the alcohol in it. This is important to treat them from health problems that might come on because of the accumulation of the substance and also to hasten their recovery process. By removing all presence of the addictive substance from their body, the treatment providers ensure that the person’s body comes out of the temptation for it and can make a speedier recovery.

The detoxification continues till the time the patient experiences its withdrawal symptoms. Medications are provided for the patient to overcome the urges for alcohol. This includes the popular Antabuse. Other medications such as Campral are provided so that the patient’s body gets normalized while the violent withdrawal symptoms occur. In some cases, alcohol detoxification is over in as short a period as three to four days. However, in some cases, people experience stronger withdrawals, which can stretch the detoxification to as much as a month.

The alcohol rehab program in Rhode Island includes a lengthy and comprehensive aftercare program at the end. This can go on for several weeks depending on how intense the patient’s addiction has been. Here, the intention is to remove all cravings for the substance from the patient’s mind so that they are completely out of the addiction. Family counseling also becomes an important part of the aftercare. They are trained on coping with the situation and on effectively monitoring the patient’s condition so that they do not have a relapse.

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