Juicer Recipes * a Juice for Joint Pain Relief * Anti Joint Inflammation Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet

Anti Inflammation Diet * Juicing Recipes * Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms * Osteoarthritis Treatment * Arthritis Cures * ❤ Parsley Celery Cucumber Apple Lemon Carrot Juice ❤ — Detoxify & regenerate withgreen herbs !! — Energize with fruit !! * I ngredients * — 1 bunch of Parsley — 1 head of Celery — 1 Apple — 1 Lemon (leave peel on if organic; cut peel off if inorganic) — 1 Cucumber — 2 Carrots (unpeeled if organic; peeled if inorganic) * P reparation * — 1) Run all ingredients through your Breville juicer, or whatever the best juicer is for you. bit.ly — 2) Add ice, if desired — 3) Enjoy! * I nspiration * — Watch out for increased awareness…as you become more aware, you become more sensitive to your body’s issues, so you might actually feel worse! For me, I become sensitive to the painful, burning inflammation. =( — There is a difference between being healthy and fit. It is possible to be fit, but not healthy…and vice versa. You should aim for being both! — All diseases are essentially inflammation, manifesting itself in different areas of the body, and in different ways. — What do we do to heal the inflammation? We alkalize, alkalize, alkalize! By eating whole fruits and green drinks. ❤ You Like? …then Please Subscribe! ❤ — Please click the yellow ‘Subscribe’ button above, so I can keep on keeping on…. with helping *you* to keep on keeping on!! ❤ ADD ME AS A FRIEND ON FACEBOOK! ❤ I would love to communicate with you there. Just click here: bit.ly PEACE, DAN
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