I’ve Seen My Brother Who Passed Away Ten Years Ago?
Question by fj9: I’ve seen my brother who passed away ten years ago?
My brother played a very significant role in my life. When we were 3 and 4 years of age our parents left and we were the only constant in each others lives. Before he was killed in prison, I had dreams which I later interpreted to be about his coming death. Years after his death I began seing him. He talked to me in a very “matter of fact” way. I don’t abuse drugs but it was only when I smoked pot. I don’t like doing that but kind of want to just to see him again. Wondering if anyone has had any supernatural experiences.
Best answer:
Answer by katie2008
I’m sorry for the loss of your brother!
Your experiences are not supernatural; they are drug-induced (yes, pot is a drug and mind altering).
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