Is There a Way to Kick a Marijuana Addiction Without the Resulting Depression, Mood Swings, and Other Miseries?

Question by Eric R: Is there a way to kick a marijuana addiction without the resulting depression, mood swings, and other miseries?
I know experts say that there is no such thing as a marijuana addiction, and that is JUST charming, but back in the real world, I need answers.
Every time I try to quit, I get plagued by depression and bad moods.

“…but marijuana is a depressant. You should feel better.”

Once again, a charming sentiment, but that’s just not the way things work.
I’ve lost friends, jobs, and a social life in my attempts to quit…and by “social life” I don’t mean sitting on the couch with my stoner friends. When I go without, I get so depressed that I don’t want to go anywhere. A lot of working at a job has to do with being nice to others. Whenever I try to quit, I get angry really easily. I’ve lashed out at friends, co-workers, and even customers, when otherwise I would have been very nice.

“That’s just the withdrawal. You’ll feel better when it’s over” = Idiotic sentiment #3
Six months of “will-power” did nothing but make me feel better. In fact, a lost a lot of friends (most of which don’t even smoke) by my inability to be as happy-go-lucky.

“Then they weren’t your friends in the first place.”
Maybe, but it beats being alone.

“Make new friends”
Yeah right, a recovering drug addict with an anger issue is such a draw

“See a shrink”
I can’t I’m poor

“Well, if you’re poor then you shouldn’t be able to afford drugs”
I’m willing to do the extra work for a fix

“Then you should be able to the same amount of work to save for a psychologist”
There’s no visible incentive. At least with marijuana, I KNOW I’m going to get high.

“There are also groups and clergy people that could help”
I absolutely despise group therapy. I lack the ability to feign interest in other people when I’m smoking, let alone when I’m trying to quit, and I don’t trust religious people. They always play the Jesus angle. “With faith and God’s help you can kick this addiction. Now go hand out flyers for our church”

Best answer:

Answer by Renee
It sounds like you suffer from depression and use the weed to medicate yourself.

I would meet with a therapist and come up with a plan to find inner peace and happiness while you quit.If you can afford an illegal (and costly) drug I am sure you can find a therapist. If you have health insurance they often reimburse the cost or you can see someone in your health care network. If you are actually poor then there are free mental health clinics where wonderful therapists offer their thoughts pro bono. Clearly if you are getting stoned this frequently you should be able to pay a therapist once a week instead of buying your pot. Priorities first.

A lot of frequent weed users or addicts are actually depressed and the high makes them relax and not think about all of the problems that they are having.

It is very important that you quit or the longer you stay addicted the less your body will be able to cope with it’s natural thoughts and feelings due to the chemical changes that weed causes your brain.

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