Is There a Shelf Life for Drugs?? Prescribed and Other??

Question by just wondering: is there a shelf life for drugs?? prescribed and other??

Best answer:

Answer by amy:momof2
yeah, it should be stamped on the box it comes in, or on the bottom of the bottle. prescription drugs have everything on the label…

Answer by dolphinchick1021
If you are in the U.S. the FDA requires expiration dates on every drug. (even toothpaste has an expiration date)

Two people charged with running mini-meth lab
That search turned up material commonly used in "one-pot," or mini-methamphetamine lab production, including lye, receipts for the purchase of Sudafed (pseudoephedrine) and lithium batteries. The "one-pot" procedure is an alternative method of …
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Former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour urges W.Va. lawmakers to pass meth lab
Barbour said the prescription requirement for cold medications containing pseudoephedrine, a key-meth making ingredient, didn't spark complaints from Mississippi residents or jeopardize the re-election of Mississippi legislators who voted for the bill …
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Report: Ind. Had Most Meth Lab Busts In 2013
While Indiana and other states have passed laws in recent years to limit the sale of meth's key ingredient: pseudoephedrine. However, cooks are finding ways around the laws, including a method called “smurfing” where several people are sent out to …
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