Is There a Chance I Could Have ADD?
Question by : Is there a chance I could have ADD?
I’ve been having trouble in school with concentrating ever since about 5th or 6th grade, and it seriously has been bugging me lately. I’m in High School now, and i’m 16,and I really want to be able to listen to what the teachers tell me so I can actually do the work and pass test, but i fell distracted. Whenever a teacher starts talking, or anyone, starts talking, I listen, but when there done talking, I find myself not even knowing what they said, or only knowing the main things they said, and skipping the small details.
I’ve never really realized that this could be ADD. My I have 3 siblings, and 2 of them have ADHD, one of them is my twin brother (16), and the other is my sister (20). I looked symptoms, and a few quizzes, and I was actually pretty surprised about the questions they asked, about concentration, forgetfulness, and other symptoms.
My Mom gave me a hand written test for ADHD that I took at home, but it was mostly questions like, “Do you think about killing yourself?”, “Do you think about hurting family or friends?”, and “Have you ever used drugs or alcohol?” and stuff like that. Also she was the one who gave the test, so I obviously didn’t want to answer the questions truthfully.
Should I go to the doctor and get tested?
What would the test be like?
How long would a diagnosis take?
Would it be a written test?
Was the test my mom gave me a ADHD test, or was it something else?
Any answer would be appreciated.
P.S- Sorry if this is so long, I just had alot of questions.
Best answer:
Answer by Asia
Any one can have ADD you don’t even need to be tested to find out. Common symptoms will occur. When you have it you will no
Answer by Susan Yarrawonga
Your Mom’s questions were the sort of questions that are trying to determine whether or not you have depression.
You seem to have ADHD and perhaps fish oil can help as in;_ylt=AmvHSQL7UBcgYO2jX9mq0BYQ6Qt.?p=%22fish+oil%22+%2B+adhd&type=2button&fr=uh3_answers_web_gs
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