Is Methadone Addiction “curable”?

Question by Proud Mommy: Is methadone addiction “curable”?
Methadone clinics…. are you always going to be on methadone for the rest of your life or do you eventually become clean?

Best answer:

Answer by Kaviani999
Addictions of any sort are never cured, they can only be managed. Physical addiction can be corrected, but the psychological damage is permanent.

As for methadone, it is basically meant for people with tremendous narcotic addictions that cannot be stopped, so it’s essentially a lifetime thing. Patients are welcome to seek alternate treatments and stop methadone, though. It’s not a mandated life sentence.

Answer by Nurse Jacki
A methadone detox is truly a miserable experience, but yes, methadone addiction is curable. The trouble is that the clinics have no vested interest in curing their clients. They will keep you on it indefinitely. They will continue to up the dosage every time that the client whines that it isn’t working as well as it used to. Then one day the client decides that he is tired of driving daily and standing around every morning with other methadone addicts and he decides to try to get clean. Now he has to either go through a medical detox program or be gradually tapered off the drug, neither of which are pleasant. If you are considering going on methadone, I urge you not to. Whatever drug you are using now will be easier to get off than methadone. Going on methadone is a lateral move. It is not moving forward. It is like a drunk who switches from vodka to whiskey. Go through a medical detox NOW and get clean and save yourself years of misery. Addiction Specialist CCDC

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