Is Methadone a Bad Idea to Use for Opiate Withdrawals?

Question by Pamela: Is Methadone a bad idea to use for opiate withdrawals?
I’m sure your thinking, “No, thats what methadone is for dummy”. I have been a opiate abuser for 6 years now. I never tried heroine, something my mother or a DARE counselor had once told me apparently worked because just the word “heroine” alone scares the crap out of me. Anyways, I got surgery in 2007 on my knee, before and after the surgery they prescribed me percocets. The recovery took longer than normal, so I was prescrined them for about 6 months. Long story short, I fell in love with the feeling of opiates. I was also a cocaine addict at the time, so I was using the two together for a long time and it produced a powerful (and extremely dangerous) high. I quit using cocaine in 2011, no particular reason why, just one day I decided I didn’t want to do it anymore. My nose was falling off my face and I had been in and out of jail twice, so I stopped. I didn’t stop taking percocets, roxycets, oxy’s, or anything else that I could get my hands on. i was doctor shopping, buying off the streets, having friends give them to me etc. My new years resolution this year was to stop, so I have tried going cold turkey twice–and it didn’t work. The physical pain, sweats, chills, aches, I could deal with. It was annoying as sh** but it was tolerable, I kept telling myself “I just have the flu, I just have the flu, this will pass.” What I couldn’t deal with was the mental part of the withdrawals. The severe depression, the fogginess, the confusion, the blahhhh….. Anyone who’s experienced this knows exactly what I’m talking about. I felt like I was disassociated with myself and my world around me. I already have a severe case of bipolar and depression, so I didn’t need to add on top of it. Monday morning I went to the methadone clinic and got an intake evaluation. They started me off on 30 mg daily, a single dose that I have to go there everyday and take. The first day I puked four hours later but felt amazing the rest of the day, second day I was a bit more sick, and slept all day. Day three (Wed) I couldn’t stop throwing up all day and night, couldn’t get out of bed, realized I hadn’t eaten since Sunday so I decided to skip my Thursday dose and stay home instead. I felt fine except I woke up with severe pain in my back and legs and was craving the pain pills, I hadn’t had a craving since sunday so I went in today (Fri) and they had already started lowering my dose, I am now on 25mg. What I am trying to ask is, has anyone ever been on the 30 day methadone detox? Am I taking too much? When the 30 days comes around am I going to be addicted to methadone? I just want to have ME back. I would do anything to just be me again.

Best answer:

Answer by catseyeswv
Methadone works for some. but you can get addictive to methadone. talk to your doctor to see if you something else might help you.

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