Is Marijuana a “Gateway Drug”?

Question by dawn kibals: Is marijuana a “gateway drug”?
I came across this article from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
“That said, many young people who use marijuana do not go on to use other drugs.”
Dare lied to me

Best answer:

Answer by Mary Kontrarry
It is for people with addictive personalities.
For many others, it’s not.
Dare only told you 1/2 the truth.

Answer by love ecstasy
Dare only inspires people to think about the possibilities of drugs and just motivates kids curiosity… it really does do more harm than good.

And I think any drug is a gateway drug. Whatever drug you first use, is your “gateway”. For me, my gateway was alcohol.

It’s funny when you actually learn about drugs and see them compared to legal ones, you see how stupid it is that cigarettes and alcohol are legal. Because they are essentially poisons and the most harmful. Ecstasy, ghb, lsd, shrooms, ketamine… they’re all very safe and have very low toxicity levels compared to cigs and alcohol…

Oh the irony of the “war against drugs”

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