Is It Possible to Go Back to a State of Ignorance?

Question by Alex: is it possible to go back to a state of ignorance?
once you are told you’re fat, you’ll look for signs you are whether you are or not. similarly, if you learnt the water you drank was contaminated with human feces, you’ll think twice every time you go to have a drink. this “awareness” of aspects of reality you previously did not know about, might help. it might be more healthy to drink bottled water, for example. but in other ways it could be gravely disruptive. the girl who finds out she was raped as a kid might kill herself from the shame. the guy who realizes he has a foul odor might become paralyzed in the company of other people. my question is, is it possible to “unrealize” certain things? to go back to a state of ignorance that allowed for a more productive life, or at least, peace of mind? It seems like a worthwhile goal. I guess that’s the reason people take drugs, etc. to forget. but is it actually possible to “un-know”?

Best answer:

Answer by lisa g
It’s true…………..ignorance is bliss

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