Is Giving Excess Sugar to Babies Ok?

Question by Raina: Is giving excess sugar to babies ok?
I have some family members that have a 4 month old infant. Even when she was in the hospital they were giving her different foods to “taste”: sour cream, sweet tea, chips, etc.

Now they are feeding her baby food, rice cereal, and LOTS of sweets! They give her lollipops on a regular basis, chocolate icing, sweet tea, apple juice (undiluted), candy, cookies, brownies… With all of the harder stuff she’s only allowed to suck on it, but everything else they just GIVE it to her. They have 3 older children that were all diagnosed with ADHD. The dad has found a study stating that excess sugar does not cause nor contribute to ADHD. While that may be true I still think that there are PLENTY of health reasons why you should not give a BABY sugar!

Can anyone link me some research data on the negative effects of sugar on growing brains and bodies?? I’ve kept my mouth shut for too long. I know they love their baby and are not intentionally hurting her, but I can’t stand by and watch this “food abuse” go on. They need to be informed.


Best answer:

Answer by ItzReeseyBetch
Ah… I’ve been taking care of kids for a long time and I’ve never given or seen anyone give a child as young as 4 months chips.. and absolutely not tea. It’s not good for babies at all. You should tell them that they’re on the path to disaster with their child.

yes this is food abuse. their child should be on a very nutritious diet with very little to no sugary treats [ maybe an infant teething cookie now and then if its that time ] But if they keep on this path their child could very well be on their way to childhood obesity.

Are the parents obese? This could be the cause of their behavior. Parents who generally have poor eating habits tend to pass them on to their children. If you care for your infant relative you should definitely tell them to put them on a more nutritious path

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