Is Cocaine an Ingrediant of Adderall?

Question by SWEETNESS: is cocaine an ingrediant of adderall?
I was told this by some one very dear to me. Just wondering if it true or not.

Best answer:

Answer by FlickMyBick
I wish…I mean no.

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Old drug making a comeback as 'Molly'

Filed under: amphetamines cocaine

Just about any amphetamine can be combined with another synthetic chemical – caffeine, ephedrine or cocaine, for example – and packaged in a capsule referred to as Molly, Jones said. "They might think they're ingesting MDMA, but they are not," he said.
Read more on WXIA-TV


These Retirement Stats Paints A Troubling Picture

Filed under: amphetamines cocaine

A recent British report found that a record number of U.K. retirees are receiving hospital treatment after taking recreational drugs like cocaine, cannabis and amphetamines. The study reported that doctors diagnosed 888 people over the age of 65 as …
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Drug residues in Swedish sewage water

Filed under: amphetamines cocaine

Chemists at Umeå University in Sweden have been able to trace narcotics substances and prescription drugs in measurements of wastewater from 33 Swedish sewage treatment plants. Cocaine, amphetamine, and methamphetamine, in measurable …
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