Is Becoming an Addictions Counselor Worth Six Years of University Money-Wise?

Question by Ashley: Is becoming an addictions counselor worth six years of university money-wise?
I’m about to graduate high school and start university in the fall starting with a bachelor of arts and then get into bachelor of social work to become an addictions counselor. I’m extremely passionate about the field however I’m concerned financially as I just found out it probably only pays about 40 000. Is it worth spending 5000 a year for six years to end up in a career that only pays 40 to 50 000 a year?

Best answer:

Answer by miki
that is an “average” salary. that also means they include ppl who aren’t certified, don’t have as much education/training, or just aren’t very good at it in their average. you will have to start out after college with a lower paying job, but if you are good and go after your certifications, you will go nowhere but up. go after every certification and special training you can. i have seen ppl who are really good make 60-120K in private practice or as a supervisor/administrator. you have to pay your dues first though.

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